-- My MDX Experiments
select from [Adventure Works2008];
-- Use of ALLMEMBERS and CHILDREN functions
select [Measures].[Vacation Hours] on columns,
[Employee].[Last Name].ALLMEMBERS on rows
from [Adventure Works2008];
select [Measures].[Vacation Hours] on columns,
[Employee].[Last Name].CHILDREN on rows
from [Adventure Works2008];
-- tuples
select ([Employee].[Birth Date]. &[1942-04-03T00:00:00],
[Employee].[Birth Date].&[1941-11-17T00:00:00]} on rows,
[Employee].[Last Name] on columns
from [Adventure Works2008];
-- cross join
select {[Employee].[Job Title].CHILDREN * [Employee].[Marital Status].CHILDREN} on rows,
[Measures].[Sick Leave Hours] on columns from
[Adventure Works2008];
select crossjoin([Employee].[Job Title].CHILDREN , [Employee].[Marital Status].CHILDREN) on rows,
[Measures].[Sick Leave Hours] on columns from
[Adventure Works2008];
--eliminate null values
non empty crossjoin([Employee].[Job Title].CHILDREN , [Employee].[Marital Status].CHILDREN) on rows,
[Measures].[Sick Leave Hours] on columns from
[Adventure Works2008];
-- Apply Slicing using Where Clause
select [Employee].[Last Name].MEMBERS on columns,
[Measures].[Sick Leave Hours] on rows
from [Adventure Works2008]
where [Employee].[Birth Date].&[1946-11-09T00:00:00];
-- filtering
select [Employee].[Last Name].MEMBERS on columns,
filter([Employee].[Job Title].MEMBERS,
[Measures].[Sick Leave Hours] <100 nbsp="" on="" p="" rows="">from [Adventure Works2008]
where {[Employee].[Birth Date].&[1946-11-09T00:00:00]};
-- sorting
select [Measures].[Sick Leave Hours] on columns,
order([Employee].[Last Name].MEMBERS,[Measures].[Sick Leave Hours],desc) on rows
from [Adventure Works2008]
where {[Employee].[Birth Date].&[1946-11-09T00:00:00],
[Employee].[Birth Date].&[1946-05-06T00:00:00]};100>